JDesignerPro by BulletProof Layout Columns

The Column Layout screen is where you place the fields on the final form. You can layout columns in any order you choose. Columns may also be placed next to each other. You can go back to the Column Settings screen anytime to change and accept new attributes.

The steps include:

  1. Double-click a column name to add a field. Fields are automatically added beginning in the upper left and justified vertically. You may add the fields out of their order in the list.
  2. A single-click on a column name will deselect it and remove its corresponding field from the form.
  3. Use the pull-down at the bottom left to determine the location of the next field to be added. Select from the three choices just before placing the field.
  4. The label for the fields can be changed by typing a new entry over the one shown. If your label is longer than the space available enter it anyway. When the form is compiled the fields will automatically adjust for the larger label.
If your fields do not fit as you want them to, try returning to the Column Settings screen to change the field size, press Accept, and return to the Layout Columns screen.

Changes made to the settings of a field will not be reflected on the layout screen unless you remove the field and add it again. The changes will be made to the compiled version regardless.

Press the Reset button if you want to remove all the fields from the layout. Once you have setup all your fields, press Accept.

Now press the Build tab.
